martes, 28 de julio de 2015

How sports can improve chilean standarts

How can sports can improve chilean life standarts ? 

The most of chilean society does not practice sport. It is because the culture of century XXI in Chili is not focused to realize activities that giving benefits to body . The standarts of health are low in the children and standarts of obesity are dangerous, there are around 9,5% and is the third country in America Latina and Caribe after Perú and Argentina.
The current problems by sports in population are the rythm of the chilean society, there does not grow the regularity of his practice, Besides the little quantity of spaces  to do sports is an important factor.
Public policies are insufficient to grow the quantity of people that practice sports, are a lot of disciplines that dont have the materials to realize successfully his practice. The most important factor to increase the practice of sports is a change in the culture of the country, in the jobs, in the classroom, in the streets, create more bike paths, increase hours in class of sports or recreated activities. 
The benefits to population are too much, first the people are more happiest because when you practice sports your body releases endorphins and its provocated a feeling of hapiness, the stress go away, the benefits for the population are a lot and essencially increase the quality of life .

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